MIAMI-Rilea Group CEO Alan Ojeda tells's Jennifer LeClaire that it's easier for companies to get financing for new projects if they hire an experienced developer.
FT. LAUDERDALE, FL-CushWake's Rod Loschiavo tells that he's also in talks with two other compannies eying office leases in Downtown Ft. Lauderdale.
In case you missed Akerman Senterfitt’s second annual U.S. Real Estate Summit last Friday, here’s the takeaway: the industry is optimistic even in the face of ongoing credit challenges.
MIAMI-Lyle Stern, president of the Koniver Stern Group, tells's Jennifer LeClaire that casual restaurants are among the best uses for the 10,000 feet of contiguous space.
Stephen Bittel, Chairman and CEO of Terranova, tells's Jennifer LeClaire that the national chains are singing leases again. That’s good news for the South Florida economy, since retail is an early indicator of recovery.
JUPITER, FL-Mark Montgomery, senior vice president in the Jacksonville office of CNL Commercial Real Estate, tells's Jennifer LeClaire that there were plenty of moving parts in a deal that saw GenSpring occupy the entire building.
RALEIGH, N.C.-Paul Collins, executive managing director at Cassidy Turley, tells's Jennifer LeClaire that he expects investors to take a closer look at the Triangle's institutional quality assets in 2011.